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Logo Guns-N-Roses當然,在標志性搖滾樂隊"槍炮與玫瑰"的標志;徽標上也可以看到花,當然,這些花就是玫瑰。放在兩支槍下,背靠背,紅色的玫瑰看起來非常逼真。整個作品繪制在漸變的銀色背景上,并被封閉在一個厚厚的黃色圓形中,樂隊的名字用優(yōu)雅的黑色襯線大寫字母寫在周圍。


Logo BlossomBlastSaga光是看這手游的名字就能猜到,這都是關于花的,所以博客傳奇的標志;徽標也包含了這個符號,而且不止一次。這兩朵紫色的花取代了游戲名第一部分中的兩個字母“哦.中心為暗黃色,花朵看起來非常明亮,周圍是粉紅色的草書字體,徽章底部還有一個綠色的小元素。


Logo Naturella

納楚拉是一個在其所有產(chǎn)品中使用甘菊提取物的品牌,因此這種花的抽象描繪成為標簽標志的主要部分。如果徽章的早期版本采用淺綠和黃色調(diào)色板,最新版本的花瓣采用黃色到白色的漸變,輪廓為薄黑色,設置在透明背景上,徽章由平滑輪廓的草書加粗黑白 logo補充。


Logo Ponds作為美國最古老的化妝品品牌之一,旁氏遵循其同事設定的傳統(tǒng),在其視覺形象中使用了優(yōu)雅的花朵標志。與其他一些玫瑰品牌不同,池塘在其標志中使用了郁金香的形象。風格化的黑色花朵,由三個固體元素組成,被封閉在一個復雜的橢圓形框架中,并放置在大寫銘文的左側(cè)。字體也是以非常優(yōu)雅和經(jīng)典的風格制作的,線條的末端是斜的和柔和的。


Logo Fiesta Bowl另一個在 logo中使用花符號的大學橄欖球杯是嘉年華杯。這項錦標賽自1971年以來每年舉行一次,其標志上總是有橙色和紅色的花。這里的符號類似太陽和火焰,構(gòu)成了一個美麗的鳳凰鳥的抽象形象。這是有道理的,因為杯是在亞利桑那州的鳳凰城舉行。在最新版本的徽標上,花朵被繪制在徽章底部的藍色實心圓圈上。






Logo Queensland Government



Logo FTDFTD可能是,世界上最古老的鮮花遞送服務之一。它于1910年在美國成立,現(xiàn)在的名字是花店電報遞送的縮寫,這是一種服務,一直在幫助人們通過電報發(fā)送花束。該公司的標志非??岷蛢?yōu)雅——右邊是希臘神赫爾墨斯俄羅斯人,手里拿著鮮花。不止是對公司宗旨的文字描述,而是完美的執(zhí)行。


Logo Rose's克里格佩珀博士擁有的濃縮酸橙汁品牌的視覺形象是兩個酸橙汁,放在五片綠葉和三朵精致的藍色花朵之間,非常清新?;照碌膱D形部分設置在一個巨大的白色“羅斯的”字體下,該字體以優(yōu)雅的襯線字體的大寫字母書寫。黃色的Caremark寫在植物圖像的兩側(cè),平衡了銘文的黃色陰影。




Logo Flowers of Colombia哥倫比亞之花是一個在線平臺,靈感來自生長在哥倫比亞的植物。當然,它的標志完全基于公司的理念和名字。該網(wǎng)站明亮的標志以他們穿著不同鞋子和顏色——橙色、粉色和紫色——嬉戲的風格化花束為特色,并以平滑的紫色字體和大膽的圓形無襯線字體為支撐標志??雌饋砗芷胶猓苄涯?。


Logo Adidas阿迪達斯的標志性標志并不總是被視為花朵,盡管它是。底部有三條水平白色條紋的三葉形圖案已經(jīng)不僅僅是一朵花,它代表著卓越和專業(yè)。這個標志背后有比它看起來更多的東西。阿迪達斯三葉草的三片花瓣代表世界的三個部分——美洲、歐洲和亞洲,這是該品牌的主要市場。


Logo Hilton Garden Inn國際連鎖酒店希爾頓的一個分支機構(gòu)也有一個非常樸素而明亮的 logo,上面還有一朵花。它是一朵白色輪廓的花,有四個對角方向的花瓣,畫在標志左邊的純紅正方形背景上。 logo由三層藍色襯線字體的"希爾頓花園酒店"補充。這個標志;徽標不能稱之為獨一無二,但是這里的花還是挺有紀念意義的,花瓣上有直線和實點。




字體另一個商標上有郁金香的品牌是郁金香。三朵紅花抽象地畫在標志左部的藍色實心圓上,越過兩條紅絲帶,呈對角線放置。 logo后面是一個穩(wěn)定而沉重的藍色大寫字母 logo,采用柔和的襯線字體。徽章看起來非常平衡和明亮,喚起了專業(yè)和質(zhì)量的感覺。


Logo 4chan一個為圖片分享而創(chuàng)建的匿名網(wǎng)站的視覺 logo基于一朵花的符號,由四片綠葉組成,以心形為特色。乍一看,這個 logo可能看起來像三葉草,這可能是這個徽章背后的想法之一。四片綠色花瓣被放置在彼此相距很遠的地方,并設置在酒紅色的簡單無襯線 logo的左側(cè)。


Logo Blackburn Rovers來自英國的職業(yè)足球俱樂部布萊克本流浪者隊的標志上有一朵花,它是構(gòu)圖的中心部分。紅玫瑰位于天藍色框架的圓形獎章中心的白色背景上,是徽章中最亮的元素。它喚起了一種卓越和專業(yè)的感覺,使球隊的視覺形象非常不典型的足球。布萊克本流浪者隊的標志伴隨著一個長方形的橫幅,上面寫著俱樂部的座右銘“藝術和勞動”,意思是"通過技巧和努力"。


Logo Google Tulip另一個郁金香,但風格完全不同,可以在為農(nóng)業(yè)部門創(chuàng)建的軟件谷歌郁金香的徽標中找到。這里的花是在谷歌公司的調(diào)色板中設置的,由紅色、藍色、綠色和黃色組成,每一部分都是風格化的幾何花。沒有額外的文字繪制,谷歌郁金香標志看起來超級現(xiàn)代和令人愉快。


Logo Chupa-Chups另一個標志性標志是我們今天的清單是由傳奇藝術家薩爾瓦多達利設計的Chupa-Chups標志。這個標志;徽標是1969年創(chuàng)作的,從那以后就再也沒有換過。三色輪廓的明黃色雛菊已經(jīng)成為全球棒棒糖的象征。這也是一個天才藝術家的想法,將花的圖像放在糖果的頂部,這樣當它們被包裹時,雛菊幾乎看不見。


Logo CoCo Flower所有的動漫鑒賞家都很熟悉椰子花,它是一個天然的品牌,深受流行漫畫人物之一富瓦里米多里卡茲的喜愛。這個品牌的標志非常明亮和豐富多彩,采用定制的平滑字體的粗體白色字體,以棕色勾勒,放置在一個自由的半圓上,上面有一個充滿不同花朵的令人愉快的圖案。在這里,你可以看到所有的陰影和形狀,有些看起來很逼真,有些很抽象,但它們共同創(chuàng)造了一種非常60年代的嬉皮士感覺。


Logo Cyber Florist鮮花和禮品遞送的在線平臺賽博之花也在它的標志中使用了鮮花符號,這比預期的更令人期待。雖然,你可能一直在等待更多的花卉元素在公司的徽章,這是專門從事它。這里的粉紅色程式化花朵取代了綠色"花店"銘文中的字母“O”,平衡了寫在標志頂部的大寫字母“網(wǎng)絡”的粉紅色。


Logo Tassimo著名的咖啡產(chǎn)品品牌塔西莫的花朵明亮而抽象,由六個不同顏色的半透明花瓣組成,花朵位于黑色大寫 logo的左側(cè),采用柔和的無襯線字體,輪廓清晰。塔西莫 logo中每個重疊的花瓣都有它的顏色,重疊的區(qū)域增強了調(diào)色板,增加了更暗的色調(diào)。


Logo Flower City Union花城聯(lián)盟是一支來自紐約的職業(yè)足球隊,成立于2021年。正如所料,從俱樂部的名稱來看,其視覺形象是基于一朵花的繪制。它被放置在圓形徽章的中心,使用紫色調(diào)色板,淺色背景,深色圖形部分,周圍是方形無襯線字體的大寫 logo。


字體另一種類似三葉草的花可以在美國青年組織4H的標志上找到。這里綠色的花瓣大膽而光滑,融合成一個元素。四片花瓣上各有一個白色大寫字母H .4H概念中的四個字母H代表"頭、心、手和健康"。這種風格化的花的中心部分是一片白色垂直取向的楓葉。




字體我們名單上的另一個化妝品品牌是蘭蔻,它是法國最著名的公司之一,幾十年來一直致力于幫助女性變得更漂亮。蘭蔻的標志是由一個優(yōu)雅的大寫字母組成的永恒的襯線字體,伴隨著一個純黑的圓圈,白色騎,垂直繪制在上面。當銘刻在產(chǎn)品包裝上時,銘文和 logo都可以用黃金制作。


Logo Camellia Bowl美國大學橄欖球杯的視覺 logo包含對其名稱山茶花杯的圖形引用。兩朵風格化的紅色山茶花放在藍色字體"山茶花"部分的兩側(cè),在(美國)全國大學生體育協(xié)會(National Collegiate Athletic Association)比賽的標志上排成三行。除了贊助商的 logo之外,整個杯的徽章采用了漂亮的藍紅配色,看起來非常柔和優(yōu)雅,盡管這是一個足球聯(lián)賽的徽章。


Logo Fiorentina意大利足球俱樂部佛羅倫薩的視覺形象在其主要標志上有一個更具紋章性和經(jīng)典的花朵圖像。該俱樂部歷史悠久,為了慶祝其傳統(tǒng),他們在白色菱形上放置了傳統(tǒng)的純紅鳶尾花標志,占據(jù)了其標志的最大部分?;ǘ涞募t色由代表俱樂部名稱的紅色" F "支撐,位于標志的最底部,純藍背景。


Logo ZarinaZarina是一個俄羅斯時尚品牌的名字,以實惠的價格為女性提供服裝和配飾。該公司的標志是由一個優(yōu)雅的黑色草書 logo組成,隨后是一個抽象的輪廓花,在同一個調(diào)色板。這朵花由四片圓形花瓣組成。它們在中間以一種非常特殊的方式連接在一起,形成了兩個幾乎看不見的小圈。


Logo KenticoKentico是一家軟件公司,它選擇了這一設計概念作為其視覺 logo,以區(qū)別于其競爭對手. IT品牌通常將他們的標志設置為藍色調(diào)色板,帶有一些抽象標志的幾何元素,而肯蒂科的標志為亮橙色,帶有花朵般的圖形元素,看起來也像一個風格化的太陽。 logo由一個別致的標題盒 logo支持,該 logo采用定制字體,帶有彎曲的字母線條。


Logo Unilever聯(lián)合利華是一個公司集團,擁有幾十個不同的品牌,這在其視覺識別中得到了出色的展示。放大的字母" U "由許多藍色的小元素組成,背景為白色。當然,這些元素中很重要的一部分是花。不同的銷售和風格,反映了公司生產(chǎn)和銷售的產(chǎn)品的多樣性。圖形部分由定制字體中的藍色草書字體支持。


Logo Carlson國際酒店集團卡爾森雷齊多爾的標志頂部有一朵抽象的幾何花。這里的花朵取代了通常代表品質(zhì)和卓越的皇冠??柹ㄓ芍虚g的一個類似X的元素組成,由四個紅色的對角花瓣組成,周圍是四個實心的黃色圓圈。它看起來非?,F(xiàn)代和有趣,由于其不尋常的組成,和明亮的調(diào)色板。


-content/uploads/2022/06/Logo-Hawaiian-Airlines-500x281.png" alt="Logo Hawaiian Airlines" />The visual identity of the air curie from Hawaii contains a graphical representation of the national flower of Hawaii, the hibiscus. It is drawn in solid red in the hair of a woman, depicted on the fuchsia, white and purple emblem, placed on the left from the two-leveled purple lettering with the name of the company. In some versions of the logo, the hibiscus flower can be seen in softer shades, from calm orange to peach shade.


Logo InvisalignThe visual identity of Invisalign, an orthodontic treatment, also has a stylized flower in it. Although here it looks more like a snowflake due to its cold gradient-blue color palette and distinctive contours of eight petals with their ends pointed. Due to an interesting use of the gradient blue shades, the flat emblem of the brand looks like it’s shining from its middle, and this really works cool and is unique.

China Southern

Logo China SouthernAnother Asian air carrier, China Southern, uses a flower as the main part of its visual identity. In this case, it is red kapok, outlined in white and placed on a blue geometric element, standing for the tail of the plane. The kapok is the city flower of Guangzhou, the Chinese city, where the airline is headquartered. This flower can be seen literally everywhere in Guangzhou in February and early March.


Logo BaborThe elegant vertically oriented black rose has been a part of the Babor visual identity since the company’s first days. Put there by the brand’s founder, the rose was meant to symbolize excellence and preciousness. Also, here the flower stands for its original meaning — femininity, as the cosmetic products of the brand are created mostly for women and fr their beauty. The Babor rose is beautifully inscribed into the bold uppercase logotype, crossing the last letter of the wordmark, the “O”.


Logo LenorThe flower on the logo of Lenor, a well-known laundry conditioner, looks different from other flowers. It is light, airy, and very modern, drawn in clean dark-blue lines over a white background, The lines feature different thicknesses, and create a kind of a swirl, curving into the inter, The emblem is supported by a title case logotype, set in the same color, with the lines of the letters also slightly elongated and elegantly curved.


Logo BraccialiniThe Italian footwear brand Braccialini is known for creating very elegant shoes for women, and this is what the brand wanted to show with its emblem. A very tender white contoured rose, drawn on a solid red square in the left part of the brand’s logo, creates a strong color accent and makes the lightweight lowercase logotype more stable and strong. The white rose on red is all about the Braccialini essence — making women/s outfits more beautiful, and their confidence higher.

Holiday Bowl

Logo Holiday BowlOne more intercollegiate football bowl game in the USA uses flowers in its emblem, and this is the Holiday Bowl. As a post-season game, Holiday Bowl has its logo executed in a very “winter” blue and white color palette, and the three flowers, drawn at the bottom of the badge in red and white, are poinsettias, which are also known as Christmas Roses, or Christmas Stars. The flowers have their petals triangular and sharp, which makes the whole badge more balanced.

Rose Bowl

Logo Rose BowlThe visual identity of the Rose Bowl, the annual intercollegiate football game, played in the United States, is nothing but a graphical representation of the bowl’s name. The bright red rose with white outlines and green leaves at the bottom is drawn in the center of the logo, under the arched uppercase lettering in black. The inscription is set in a very elegant typeface with sharp serifs on the end of the lines, resembling the rose’s spikes.


Logo PetroChinaA large player in the world’s oil and gas market, PetroChina, has a bold abstract flower in its logo too. It is visually divided into two pats — the gradient yellow topple, with some sharp white rays coming from the center, and the solid red bottom, with no additional elements. The flower looks solid and confident, showing the “energy”. The specialization of the company, and its attention to people with the warm colors and smooth shape of the badge.

China Airlines

Logo China AirlinesThe logo of China Airlines has a large and elegant image of a plum blossom flower, the national flower of the Republic of China, set on the left from its blue uppercase wordmark. The company also places this beautiful symbol on the tails of its planes, making them stand out from all the possible designs, and creating a sense of safety and caress. The flower here is executed in soft pink gradients, with some small darker details.



Logo ICQThe visual identity of one of the first online messengers, ICQ, has been based on the image of a flower since the very first day. We all remember a naive daisy with seven green and one red petal, and a yellow center, outlined in bold black. The current version of the ICQ badge is more laconic, but not less bright. Today it is the five green petals placed at a slight distance from each other on a solid black circle. The petals are different in size, but not the shape, which makes the badge very playful and unique.

Home Instead Senior Care

Logo Home Instead Senior CareBe more logo with a tulip from our list is the badge of the Home Instead Senior scare organization. The badge, executed in dark purple, is set in four lines, with the first two taken by the enlarged “Home Instead” in a classic serif typeface, the third — by the solid purple banner in a shape of a horizontally stretched rectangle, with the white uppercase “Senior Care” in an elegant sans-serif, and the fourth has a smooth and thin cursive “To is, its personal” motto of the company. The flower symbol here is a part of the lettering. The capital “I” in the “Instead” replaces the stem of the tulip, with the flower drawn above it, and two small drop-like leaves on the sides.


Logo TheMomsCoThe brand focused on products for moms and babies, TheMomsCo, has a very tender yet confident logo with a solid blue circular medallion as the bright spot, the cursive lowercase inscription in three lines set in its middle, and different small images drawn in thin white lines surrounding the logotype. One of the symbols, depicted on the badge, is a flower. It is drawn very schematically, in medium-thick lines, with some flowers set alone, and others — on curly stems. The flowers add tenderness to the badge and evoke a sense of love and caress.


Logo GrünenThe visual identity of The Greens political party from Germany, known as the Grünen, has a flower as the main element of its visual identity. It is a bright yellow sunflower, drawn on the right from the bold green italicized lettering with a blue outline, and having its center set in white, instead of black. The element also plays the role of the Sun here, adding warmth and brightness to the badge, and creating a very smooth and kind feeling, showing the party as the one that cares.

Lotus Flower Logo

Lotus Flower Logo


Logo BJPThe flower symbol can be found not only on the cosmetic and fashion brand logos but also on the badges of political parties. For example, the Bharatiya Janata Party from India uses an image of an orange lotus for its insignia. The depicted flower has a historical meaning here — for the party, that was the first-ever graphical symbol to be used as a protest against British rule.

New South Wales Waratahs

Logo New South Wales WaratahsA professional rugby team from Australia, New South Wales Waratahs, has its unique flower emblem as the part of the primary logo. Resembling an opened artichoke, the flower on this badge is executed in dark red, with blue unlined, and a vertically located rugby ball in the center, which is being a part of the flower, its most precious detail. The emblem is balanced by a solid and heavy sans-serif lettering in the same shade of blue, as the outlines of the flower.

Warframe Logo

Logo Warframe

Warframe is a popular third-person shooter online game, which has a stylish and sharp image of a lotus flower as the main part of its visual identity. The flower here is executed in a dark shade of sea-blue color and set against a white background, being accompanied by an extra-bold serif lettering in black, with the horizontal bars of both “A”s removed, and the ends of the letters overlapping each other. The flower is composed of three petals, each of them is formed by arched sleek lines with sharpened top parts, looking elegant and strong at the same time.

Farmers Insurance Logo

Logo Farmers Insurance Group

Farmers Insurance is a large insurance company from the United States, which was established at the end of the 1920s and today operates all over the country, with its logo familiar to every American citizen. The badge of the company is composed of a solid blue half-circle with a stylized geometric image of a lotus drawn over it in white, and decorated by a solid triangular crest in two shades of red. The emblem is accompanied by a two-leveled inscription, with the top line set in large blue capitals of a clean geometric sans-serif typeface, and the bottom one features a smaller size of the letters, and. Bright red color.

IDBI Bank Logo

Logo IDBI Bank

IDBI Bank is an Indian financial institution, which also has a flower image on its primary badge. The lotus here is drawn in sleek orange lines over a white roundel in the left part of the banner. The IDBI banner is a horizontally stretched narrow rectangle in solid green, with white elegant lettering on it. The bold uppercase inscription has its first part set in large size, with the “Bank” also written in the uppercase of the same font, but in a smaller size. The orange lotus flower is the main color accent in this badge, which represents the responsibility of the bank and its value to the customers’ comfort.


該文《Most Famous Logos with a Flower》來源國外“1000logos”網(wǎng)(https://1000logos.net/),由翻譯軟件直譯,文章內(nèi)容責權(quán)歸屬原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi設計公司立場。


最著名的花卉 logo

總監(jiān)微信咨詢 舒先生

業(yè)務咨詢 付小姐

業(yè)務咨詢 張小姐